Saturday, October 25, 2008

Bitter Sweet

Mine, is a temple
of stone, tarnished
with blood and tears,
its walls hiss, "more, more";
more punishment,
more destruction.
Tear me down with vengeance,
strip my lust-filled veins
pulsing with passion,
powered by blind hate,
and strike me down like a child.
Abused, I am ready
to make myself anything,
a sacrifice, a compromise,
a perfect ruin.
Do not worship me
for I am not a god
but a mere mortal
with a lying face.
Within, I am rotten
and you shall do me no more harm
than I have already done myself.

If you're willing, Love me,
otherwise, hate me relentlessly.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I didn't bother going to class today,
instead I spent the day in bed
watching shadows on the ceiling
of the people outisde carrying on with their lvies.
The clock ticks, and I realize,
I have no concept of time;
today is yesterday becoming tomorrow,
every day is never ending,
it just goes on.
That's what I hate most about the world,
there's no pause button,
but if I sleep away today
it's like it never happened.
I look in the mirror and think
what a waste;
so full of promise,
but promising nothing.
I'm not dead but I'm decaying,
and it's only a shame I'm still beautiful.

Monday, October 20, 2008

My Morbid Fantasy

the dorm was empty,
I'd gotten back early,
as I walked down the hall
I smelled something rotting,
spoiled meat or milk or some other garbage
then I wondered and worried
if it was death I was smelling.
I'd spent the whole day alone,
how foolish I'd been
for not using my time wisely
for allowing this opportunity to come and go
without even an attempt,
it made me sick to imagine
my morbid fantasy
as someone else's reality.
Jealousy is all that keeps me from sanity.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Too Tired for Sunshine

my eye sockets lick the pavement
cleaning the way for another trampling
teardrops fall upon the bricks
I'm too tired for sunshine
my muscles ache beneath its beating
my soul carries the weight of another dead body
wrapped in black like a garbage bag
slinging side to side
no one sees its bleeding
the funeral procession parading before them
fingertips reaking of tobacco smoke
it reminds me of kisses on a night in june
I drowned in the starlight
drunk on the milky way
I'd never want to be sober again
because I'd have to hang over you
words thumping in my craziness
peeling away the slivers of my el corazon
too tired for laughter
my lips are sealed in your abundance
silent for your satisfaction
tickle your fancy
get pleasure in my pain
given the power one will commit crimes
and never have to pay for them
less he has a soul to burn for it